Tags Normal Rust
Wipe cycle2 weeks
Last wiped06 Mar - 5 days ago
Last restart1 day ago

Intoxicated ZA Vanilla 1

ZA Vanilla 1 was the very first server that was launched in 2014 while the Rust rewrite was still in an early stage of development. With an almost non-existant local Rust community in South Africa and a limited number of servers worldwide, this server quickly became home to a large community of players from all around the world.

The local Rust community has grown a great deal since then, these days the server is used almost exclusively by South African players and has more than 1500 active players every month.

Vanilla Server

Vanilla (adjective) means "having no special or extra features; ordinary or standard". This means there are absolutely no changes to gameplay, which allows players to experience the game in the way that it was intended to be played.